Scifi Decals Style 3

All texture files follow the naming convention recommended by Unreal Engine. They all start with T_, followed by the main image name (ie Medical_Ahead_Up, Engineering_Left, etc), then the resolution of the file (ie _4K, _2K, _1K, 512) and finally with the type of image file (_A for Alpha channel, used in all type of decals or _D for Diffuse aka the color image, used in color or greyscale decals).

All of the example materials ship with the 4K files set. If you want a different resolution then I suggest duplicating an existing Material Instance of the 4K verion of the decal you want (appending the resolution you are changing it to, like 2K, 1K or 512). Then you will need to modify the textures used in the material to select the specific resolutions you are looking for.

Note for user's of the Style 1 and 2 packs

I will be updating those packs so they have the same main decals names as this one does (see the List of Decals, next). Their styling will remain the same though.

List of Decals

  1. Aft Mess
  2. Air Lock
  3. Armory
  4. Arrivals
  5. Astrophysics
  6. Aux Bridge
  7. Barber
  8. Berthing
  9. Bioengineering
  10. Bridge
  11. Brig
  12. Cargo Bay
  13. Containment
  14. Crew's Lounge
  15. Crew's Mess
  16. Data Storage
  17. Deck
  18. Departures
  19. Engineering
  20. Fire Control
  21. Fwd Mess
  22. Hangar Bay
  23. Laundry
  24. Life Sciences
  25. Logistics
  26. Lounge
  27. Maintenance
  28. Medical
  29. Mess Deck
  30. Navigation
  31. Observation
  32. Officer's Lounge
  33. Officer's Mess
  34. Offices
  35. Operations
  36. Recycling
  37. Reprocessing
  38. Research
  39. Sanitation
  40. Security
  41. Shuttle Bay
  42. Waste Processing

Video Demo

Watch a demo video here: Scifi Decals 3 Demo.

For version 1.0 of the Scifi Decals Style 3 asset package. Updated April 23, 2024